Bringing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Corporate America and Beyond.

Because it's time.

Bringing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Corporate America and Beyond.

Because it's time.

Bringing Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Corporate America
and Beyond.

Because it's time.

We Lead both Team and Individual EQ Coaching

Team EQ Coaching

1:1 EQ Coaching

EQ Coaching Approach

We use our proprietary EQ framework called Interior Design for the Human Mind in combination with the EQi-2.0 Assessment from Multi-Health Systems among other frameworks.

Interior Design for the Human Mind

Interior Design for the Human Mind is a holistic 360 degree wellness-centered approach that prioritizes self-awareness as a means to create a domino effect of positive change within a person’s life.

How Do We Work Together?

Team EQ Coaching is included in the engagement and consulting fees.

For a select number of highly motivated Executives 1:1 EQ Coaching Packages are detailed below.


Six Month Motivator Package

13 Virtual Sessions at 60 minutes.  Appropriate for Highly Motivated Executives/Clients looking to make a select number of changes  in a short period of time


Annual Amplifier Package

23 Virtual Sessions at 60 minutes.  Appropriate for Highly Motivated Executives/Clients looking for a long-term accountability partner